Monday, March 25, 2013 Day 78 – Joshua 1-3, Psalm 65, Luke 23
 Spencer  Potter
The first part of Psalm 65:5 says "By awesome deeds you answered us with
deliverance." There are two very big moments of deliverance in today's reading,  two very big events that are monumental.  The first is the Israelites'
crossing over the Jordan. For forty years, the Israelites have been waiting to
enter the promised land, the land of deliverance. Today the waters of the Jordan
part like the sea with Moses, and the Israelites walk into the promised land on
dry ground. It is a big day that has been anticipated for a generation.

The  second and infinitely more powerful act of deliverance is Jesus' death on the
Cross. Some churches have stained glass and others have theater seating, but
every church has a Cross. The Cross is a central symbol of the Christian church.
The Cross is at the heart of the Gospel. In Joshua 1:9 the Lord commands Joshua
and thus us to "Be strong and courageous: do not be frightened or dismayed, for
the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." On the Cross, Jesus demonstrates
our cause for taking courage. On the Cross, Jesus demonstrates that God is in
fact with us always. The Cross is the most awesome deed of deliverance. It is
through the cross that we receive forgiveness of sins, communion with God and
the knowledge that God is with us, even in suffering.     

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