Proverbs 4-6,  Psalm 11,  Ephesians 1

We continue in Proverbs a series of instructions and admonitions, posed as a father teaching his child. Again, wisdom is heralded as the queen of virtues, with examples that at times are graphic and specific, and at times universal and comprehensive. All the advice given is summed up in seven things that are abominations to the Lord: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, a lying witness who testifies falsely, and one who sows discord in a family. A very clear message indeed…and applicable for all time!

Throughout the chapters of Proverbs, it is clear that the pursuit of wisdom is more important rather than the attainment of knowledge or truth, fact or certainty. It is the joy of the journey rather than the reaching of a destination that is vital and life giving. For the person of faith, the engagement, the inquiry, the ambiguity, is that which is enriching…savoring the questions along the way without the need to have certainty and absolutism…for that belongs to God alone. In the first chapter of his Letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes, “with the eyes of your hearts enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you…” Certainly, that is part of our call as adult believers: to have the eyes of our hearts enlightened…to not accept things on a surface level, to dig deep, to search and ask. That is why, in church parlance, we have moved from talking about “Christian Education” to “Christian Formation.”  Growing in the faith is about growing…it is not about simply conveying facts and information. It is about embarking on the journey to seek…to seek wisdom and to seek that we might be enlightened in heart and mind to journey toward the Divine, knowing that there is no delight greater than the road that leads us there.

TVR Doug McCaleb

Dean, Trinity Cathedral

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