This weeks reflection focuses on the First Samuel reading. He was ruddy and  handsome, a new leader that would lead the nation to victory. He was a young  leader that turned the fortunes of a nation. This new young leader could do no  wrong. There was a mythic lure to this leader and the past leader was vilified. 
No, I am not talking about David and Saul. I am talking about Kennedy and  Nixon. Kennedy and Nixon were good modern day comparisons for David and Saul.  Sure, Kennedy came before Nixon but they were still a lot like David and Saul.  Kennedy was a handsome, womanizing leader that was sainted by the nation. David  was the good-looking, young, King that slayed a giant and was anointed by  Samuel.  We see in the upcoming chapters that David himself had his own  struggles with women. Despite his shortcomings, David was still considered the  ideal king of Israel. 

In a similar way, Nixon was the one that opened up China and appointed more
women to administration positions than Lyndon B Johnson. However Nixon's morals
were lacking, as evidenced in the Watergate affair. Similarly, Saul won many
victories for the Lord and he often prayed diligently. However, Saul offered
offerings when he should not have, and disobeyed the commandments of the Lord. 
Nixon and Kennedy are like Saul and David. As you go on with the readings
this may be a good comparison to envision. Kennedy and David are good but
probably not as good we esteem them to be and Nixon and Saul are bad but
are  not responsible for all of their nation's woes.  
The Rev. Spencer B. Potter
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Palmetto Bay, Florida 33158

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