Reflection for April 19, Day 103; 1Samuel 19-21; Psalm 86; John 21

The post resurrection stories in John’s Gospel take us from a tomb to a locked room to the seashore where earth and sky and water meet. Each is intensely personal to those involved, and the verses of John are replete with symbolism.  The entire passage has fascinated scholars and causal readers for centuries: How could the right side of the boat have more fish than the left? How could Jesus spot the school of fish from the shore? Why would Peter put on his clothes and then jump in the water? What did Jesus mean when he asked for more fish when he had already prepared an ample breakfast? And, most intriguing, what is the significance of 153 fish?

 Where is it that we encounter the risen Christ? Are we like Peter, and feel that we must “cover up” before we approach the Lord? Verses 15-19 seem to reverse Peter’s thrice denial of Jesus.  The triple affirmation along with a triple commissioning show that not only is Peter restored to his position of leadership, but says that God’s mercy and forgiveness are always more abundant than we can imagine. The stories when viewed together: the miraculous catch of fish, the gracious “first breakfast” and the restoration and call of Peter all show that God’s grace is found perfectly in the risen Jesus and is available to those who are able to experience and appreciate God’s unexpected gift.  More is more….and the extravagance of God can be seen throughout the passage.

The Very Rev. Doug McCaleb is Dean of  Trinity Cathedral Miami

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