Wednesday, February 27, 2013 or Day 52
Numbers 9-11, Psalm 43, Luke 1

In the middle of the long lists of Numbers, after paragraphs which say the exact same thing with the exception of the name of the tribe, the story of Moses and the people comes back in beauty and hope.  God tells Moses that they need to remember the story of the Passover and to keep the feast. 

How was the message given to the people?  We are not sure, but it was done in such a way that those who were unclean because they had touched a corpse thought they might not be able to keep it.  Moses brought their question to God who invited them in.  It brought tears to my eyes!

The next bit shows clearly that the text has been redacted in later days as it addresses those who are away on a journey (they are ALL on the journey together with God).  But none the less, those traveling, and resident aliens are to celebrate too.  “[Y]ou shall have one statute for both the resident alien and the native.” (Num 9:14b)

As we started the Gospel of Luke today we came upon some of the most well beloved poetry in the New Testament.  The Song of Mary or the Magnificat is said and sung in our churches regularly, especially at Evening Prayer.  In it we hear of God’s reversal of the normal state of things.  The looked with favor on the lowly, he has scattered the proud; he has lifted up the lowly!

May the God who includes those often left out and lifts up those who are often downtrodden bless you this day!
The Rev. Cori Olson
Priest-in-Charge, St. Luke the Physician, Miami

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