Spencer Potter

“In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish, love must be proved by deeds and not by reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.” ― Pablo Picasso This quote from Picasso illustrates the importance of action. In art and love, intentions and reasons need to be accompanied by deeds and actions. The feeling of love is proven by the actions of love. One can tell their lover that they are loved, but if one’s behavior is not caring and tender, the love is not felt. In the same way, if actions towards a companion are generous and lavish, yet there is no intention or feeling, the love seems hollow.  I believe that God loves us. I believe that more than anything God wants us to love God back. This returning of God's love takes both intention and action. It takes feelings, and loving behavior. Said in a theological way, loving God takes both faith and good deeds. Oftentimes the Church and the Bible talk about the invitation to have faith in God. Oftentimes the Church and the Bible talk about the calling to feel love for God. The latter part of this passage from Matthew 21 talks about the need for feelings and words to be backed up with actions.   Matt 21:18-22              The fig tree can be a fig tree but it needs to bear the fruit of a fig tree. It needs to take the action of giving a fig.   Matt 21:23-27             The Chief priests can be teachers but they need to teach. They need to be leaders and answer the question about where John the Baptist's authority came from.   Matt 21:28-32             The son who said he was going to work, needs to actually work.   Matt 21: 33-35             The tenants that run the vineyard need to actually pay rent.   It is not enough to say one thing. We need to actually do that one thing. I believe that this  passage encourages us not only to feel love for God, but also encourages us to act on this love. I believe that this passage encourages us to not only have faith, but to act on that faith and do the caring and loving things that Christians do for God.  Today may be the day to volunteer at the soup kitchen you were thinking about or today may be the day to go visit that shut-in church member. I believe that God wants us to love God back.
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The Rev. Spencer B. Potter
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
14260 Old Cutler Road
Palmetto Bay, Florida 33158
Office: (305) 238-2161 ext. 111
Cell: (305) 586-1086

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