Day 170 or June 25, 2013
Nehemiah 4-6, Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 13

Steadfast Love

Steadfast is not a word we use much these days. We cannot imagine an employer saying to an employee, “I expect steadfast loyalty to our company” or lovers saying to one another, “I will be steadfast in my love for you.” Yet the word ‘steadfast’ in Holy Scripture is common and connotes constancy and strength. Steadfast love is love without measure, love that cannot be daunted by evil or weakness. Steadfast love is the love of which we hear in 1Cor 13, now a standard in the sacrament of A Blessing of Marriage. We cannot hear it enough.

Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book telling the story of the return of the exiles from Babylonia and describing the rebuilding of Jerusalem.  Ezra speaks of the LORD extending to him steadfast love. (7:28 and 9:9) “For we are slaves; yet our God has not forsaken us in our slavery, but has extended to us his steadfast love before the kings of Persia, to give us new life to set up the house of our God, to repair its ruin…” Not only were they restoring the house of God but they were restoring the very culture of a people. They were “a godly remnant with a religious mission” (NRSV; The New Oxford Annotated Bible p.581OT)  bolstered in the steadfast love of God. And Nehemiah, in steadfast prayer, inspired his people to work for God in the areas in which they were familiar and skilled. When their enemies threatened, Nehemiah persevered. (Neh 4) When opposition from within rose up, Nehemiah did what was right and regained their trust. (Neh 5) Even as governor, he was of the people. Steadfast in his love of God he worked as they worked and took neither extra food nor wine as could have. When conspiracy against him was evident he saw through it and they completed the wall. (Neh 6)

With the psalmist, we give thanks to God for this steadfast love. Steadfast, righteous, pure love from God and for God and for one another is all we really know on earth and all we need to know. All else falls short, all else incomplete, all else  but distraction, all else a shadow.

Reread 1 Corinthians 13 as if for the first time.

Rejoicing in the steadfast love of Christ,

Wendy Tobias

Mary Naughton
7/2/2013 03:49:01 am

This is a meditation for the whole summer and beyond!


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