  Zephaniah 3, Psalm 132, Mark 10

We are presently in what the ancient church calls the Octave before Christmas, (December 17-24) in which traditionally seven antiphons are sung during Vespers. They’re called the O Antiphons and choirs and monasteries, convents and Cathedrals around the world sing a different one each day in preparation for the coming of the Christ.  Each song highlights a title for the Messiah: O Wisdom, O Lord, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Rising Sun, O King of the Nations, O Emmanuel. As one gets closer and closer to Christmas we move from looking ahead to finally noticing the present. Emmanuel. God IS with us.

Our readings today do the same… point us to the present reality of God in our midst. It seems as we get closer to the completion of The Bible Challenge, as we get closer to Christmas, as we get closer to yet another New Year time becomes nebulous, don’t you think?  We’ve been going back and forth between the past and future and no more so than now in our readings and in our present preparation for Christmas. Maybe that’s the point. Time is supposed to be nebulous in God’s world. Kairos time we call it. We hear in Zephaniah (after those two doomsday chapters) a promise:

I will restore you
I will comfort you
I will save the lame
I will gather the outcast,
I will bring you home

We hear the psalmist speak of the resting place of the Lord… finally settling, “Here is my resting place forever; here I will reside, for I have desired it.”

The poor will be satisfied.
The priests will be clothed with salvation.
The faithful will shout for joy.

And finally in Mark as well:  We are with the disciples and Jesus on his way to Jerusalem when Jesus helps us enter into this eternal time on earth as it is in heaven: Enter as a child. Give it all away. The first shall be last. Empty yourself completely and allow me to fill your very being. The first shall be last. Who can be saved? With God all things are possible. The least are the greatest and the blind see.

Ah, of course.  God is with us. Emmanuel. No waiting necessary. Blessed Advent tidings.

marty knight
12/19/2013 07:25:24 pm

that nebulous time! It does feel as if we are closer and closer to being home ………..thank you for this wise synopsis of the scriptures!


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