Obadiah, Psalm 116, Matthew  18

A “Minor Prophet.” I’ve always been intrigued by ‘minor’ prophets. I wonder what made them so minor? Did they not have much to say?  Were they not quite as wordy as a Jeremiah or an Isaiah?  Did they not have as popular a story as Elijah or Elisha? 

After reading Obadiah, perhaps he is a minor prophet because we don’t really want to deal with this kind of prophesy.  After all, it is pretty straightforward. Edom wronged Judah by assisting their enemies in the ransacking of Jerusalem.  In return, Obadiah prophesies that the Edomites will be destroyed.

The problem, of course, is that this didn’t happen.  The Edomites kept right on living.  In fact, it is believed that King Herod, who oversaw Jesus’ death on the cross was an Edomite.  To make things even more confusing, it was the Edomites who were among the defenders of Jerusalem during the Roman War of 66-70, when the Temple was destroyed a second time. 

So what are we to make of Obadiah’s prophesy and these lost people the Edomites?  Who assisted in Judeah’s destruction, it’s rebuilding, the death of Jesus and the final protection of the Temple against Roman onslaught? 

Perhaps we can find some answers in Matthew?  “The Peter came and said to him, ‘Lord, if another member of church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy-seven times.’ “

Is it possible that God’s “vengeance” as promised in Obadiah and in other parts of scripture IS reconciliation?  That the most surprising and terrifying thing for us is not eternal punishment but in fact to be reconciled?  To make amends with those we have sworn of? 

Indeed this is not just possible, it is Christ’s promise to us.  That we are forever redeemed, forever reconciled.  Not just to Christ but to each other as well.    

The Book of Obadiah promises that ‘the Kingdom shall be the Lord’s’.  Not Edoms, or Judah’s, or America’s, or Israel’s.  The Kingdom Belongs to God.  And we are all welcome into the Kingdom – together.

Rev. Grey Maggiano
Trinity Cathedral
464 NE 16th Street
Miami, FL 

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